Chicken korma and Kesari Pulao

Chicken korma and Kesari pulao on our thali means a Sunday well spent! This chicken korma recipe had been zealously guarded by one of my friend’s mom for the longest time. How my friend tricked into sharing this recipe with us is another story for another time 😉

We had just begun to warm up, but alas, it had to be a cold weekend! I woke up in the morning today with this determined look in my eyes, says hubby dearest - like he could hear me say, “aaj kuch toofani karte hai.” Not that I had anything planned, but I definitely was craving for this masterpiece of a recipe. I knew I’d noted it down in my diary, but finding it was a task. When I finally found it, I noticed a few lines I’d scribbled around the recipe. Chicken most definitely was a luxury in many households back then. It needed special occasions to cook a good chicken curry. I still remember how Komal Aunty enjoyed prepping for her elaborate Sunday meals. She was well known for her culinary skills. Rumor had it, not a single Aunty from the neighborhood was able to get anywhere close to her chicken korma. Many had watched her prep and cook this dish but not one was able to nail it!

I’m so glad I have scribbled all over my recipe diary- memories tend to get worse as time goes by. When I stumble upon these notes, memories just keep popping back like it was yesterday❤️
I’d promised hubby dearest, I’d cook something different, and I did! I agree the pictures don’t do it any justice, but trust me when I say it’s the best chicken korma I’ve ever had.
To fond memories and Sundays well spent - do what makes you happy!


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