spicy fish batter fry

Huge respect for those fishermen out there who risk their lives, deal with the harshest conditions around when they go fishing🎣

I’m sure by now you all must’ve noticed that I’m not someone who would go out of the way to scale or clean the fish, even though I’m a hardcore pescatarian 🐠 I like to be creative when it comes to food photography, experimenting in the kitchen not so much, or maybe when I have that kind of time in hand, maybe then, maybe, or maybe not 😜
Anyhoo, here’s to enjoying some deliciously spicy fish batter fry. Everything with green tastes even better! I have used fish fillet for this recipe with tons of spices. I have marinated the fish fillet in buttermilk which gives a distinct flavor to this dish. There’s no particular recipe I follow for this one- this is my manchaha spicy fish batter fry for you 🐟


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